Based on the effects that social distancing and quarantine are having on current and upcoming clinical studies, decentralization offers many benefits over the traditional approach to clinical trial execution – leveraging digital technology and home health to facilitate site-less trials and patient-centric protocols.

The webinar focuses on:

  • Providing a seamless transition from traditional to decentralized, and sometimes site-less, trials
  • Managing challenges and obstacles for integrating decentralization into clinical trials
  • Moving beyond COVID-19 and the case for facilitating the spectrum of decentralized clinical trials in the future
Jimmy-El-HokayemMarc M. Gas, Ph.D., Head, Dermatology Center of ExcellenceBill Bolgar, Pharm.D.Sandra Marticio
 Jimmy El Hokayem, Ph.D.,Marc M. Gas, Ph.D. Bill Bolgar, Pharm.D.,Sandra Marticio,

Associate Director of Program Development and Head of the Neurology and Regenerative Medicine Center of Excellence at Biorasi

Head, Dermatology Center of Excellence at Biorasi

Senior Director of Pharmacy Innovation at Coram Clinical Trials

Manager of Business Development at Coram Clinical Trials