/Tag: Trial Rescue
6 06, 2019

Prepare for Success: How Advance Planning Keeps Clinical Trials on Track

By |2019-10-31T14:41:50+00:00June 6th, 2019|Tags: , , |

Why Do So Many Clinical Trials Fall Behind? Clinical trials are not immune to missed deadlines and cost overruns. However, with proper advance planning, you can up the odds of success and avoid major glitches. Our studies show that about 33% of all clinical trials are behind schedule at any given moment. These trials under-perform due to operational failures; meaning, they’re behind schedule, over budget, or the data produced lacks the quality needed to support an approval.

27 01, 2019

Rescue Is Not A Dirty Word: 3 Measures to Overcome Operational Failures

By |2020-02-07T12:38:57+00:00January 27th, 2019|Tags: |

Every year, tens of thousands of clinical trials are initiated. Every year, thousands of initiated those trials falter, and, if corrective action isn’t taken, some may fail to produce usable data. In an analysis conducted by the Biorasi research team, we discovered that a full third of trials slated to complete within the next year have already passed their predicted completion date. Given the magnitude of the problem, there is not nearly enough light being shed on this pervasive issue by the industry. In this first white paper in our series, we want to attempt to characterize the scope of the problem facing the drug development industry, and make a case for early, proactive intervention in faltering clinical trials.

1 10, 2018

Tactful Strategies Steer a Failing Trial to Safety

By |2020-05-19T14:20:09+00:00October 1st, 2018|Tags: , |

Global studies are notoriously complicated with language barriers, time zone differences, and oft-contradictory regulations. These business challenges are exacerbated, not only working with multiple, but unique cultures. Biorasi encountered this scenario when we were brought in to rescue a complex clinical trial being run in the US and Japan.

19 02, 2018

Avoiding the Blame-Game in Rescue: Don’t Ask Who, Ask Why

By |2020-04-14T17:49:58+00:00February 19th, 2018|Tags: |

The costs associated with missed milestones and timeline extensions are significant and can derail the trial entirely. Less than 10% of drug candidates reach approval, with sponsors often incurring the costs associated with failed clinical trials, or trials that are behind schedule. Playing the “blame-game” while a clinical trial fails will only slow down the rescue process and increase these costs. It is paramount that sponsors and CROs are proactively monitoring trial progress and working together to address issues as they arise.

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Download our Precision Oncology White Paper

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Download Rare Disease Program Development White Paper

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Download our Trial Rescue White Paper

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Download our Advance Analytics Monitoring White Paper

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Download our Nephrology Clinical Trials White Paper

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Download our Regulatory Clinical Trial White Paper

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Download ANDA Program Optimization WP

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Get Access to "Solving at Risk Trials" Webinar

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Watch "Decentralized Clinical Trials" Webinar

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Watch "Decentralized Clinical Trials" Webinar

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Watch "Revolutionizing Risk-Based Monitoring Through Real-Time Analytics " Webinar

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