Atopic Dermatitis2020-07-20T12:43:28+00:00

Atopic Dermatitis

Advancing Clinical Trials for Inflammatory Skin Disorders

Understanding the Challenges of Atopic Dermatitis Clinical Trials

Atopic dermatitis, also known as atopic eczema, affects close to 20 percent of children and adults in their lifetimes, with varied levels of duration and severity. Today’s clinical trials strive to develop education and treatment options for managing common skin disorders and rare diseases, but these studies are not without their challenges:

  • Exclusion criteria and other barriers to enrolling patients that are representative of the standards for the study.
  • Regulatory and recruitment procedures for international trials across multiple sites.
  • Patient participation and adherence to treatment over the short/long-term goals of the trial.

Read about our successful track record in recruiting for dermatology studies in challenging conditions.

Biorasi Optimizes Trials from Start Up to Completion

Biorasi leverages our 15 years of experience in dermatology and skin health research to ensure effective and efficient management of clinical trials for atopic dermatitis. We work closely with our sponsors to achieve necessary recruitment results, and we have global trial expertise should expansion into the Americas, Europe, and APAC be required.

Additionally, our strategy for decentralized trials offers remote solutions for conducting successful trials. Options can include the use of digital technology and wearables to track patient participation, virtual solutions to relieve the travel burden for patients who are immunocompromised, and online education and training for patients throughout atopic dermatitis trials.


Connect with us to find the right strategy for your next dermatology trial. CONTACT US TODAY

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Get Access to "Solving at Risk Trials" Webinar

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Watch "Decentralized Clinical Trials" Webinar

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Watch "Decentralized Clinical Trials" Webinar

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Watch "Revolutionizing Risk-Based Monitoring Through Real-Time Analytics " Webinar

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